四创电子股票走势 四创电子最新股吧

2024-04-30 13:57:59 59 0

Four Chong Electronics (600990) stock price trend, real-time market data such as five-price market and order-by-order trading, as well as the latest news, company announcements, research reports, industry research reports, F10 data, industry information, fund flow analysis, phase increase, sector, financial indicators, institutional opinions, industry rankings, valuation levels, stock bar ...

1. 提供实时行情数据及资讯

1.1 汇总股票的五档盘口、逐笔交易等实时行情数据

1.2 分析公司的新闻资讯、公告、研究报告、行业研报等

2. 高频中标情况

2.1 连续中标民航中南和西北空管局空管工程

2.2 嘉昀12-0317合装完善表现突出

3. 走势与数据

3.1 当前股价为16.36,涨跌幅为-3.25%

3.2 市净率为1.71,总市值约45.16亿

4. 资金动向

4.1 最新融资净买入456.66万元,融资余额3.07亿元

4.2 公司市值排名在***电科旗下上市公司中倒数第四

5. 行业发展和规划

5.1 推进安徽省低空经济工作规划,属新质生产力范畴

5.2 参与改变世界工作计划,致力于技术创新

6. 实时资讯服务

6.1 提供实时资金流向、新闻资讯、研究报告、财务指标分析等

6.2 为投资者提供全方位的股票信息和财经服务

In conclusion, Four Chong Electronics (600990) has shown promising trends in terms of contract wins, stock performance, financial data, and industry involvement. Investors can keep track of real-time market data and news updates to make informed decisions for investing in this company.

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