Limit of Heat is the English translation for "处暑" in Chinese. It is the 14th solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar, which begins when the sun reaches 150° ecliptic longitude and ends when it reaches 165°. Here are some useful knowledge points about "处暑" in English:
1. "The Stopping of Heat" A Simple and Authentic Translation
The Stopping of Heat" is a direct translation of "处暑" into English. It represents the transition from scorching summer to cooler weather.
2. "End of Heat" Another Common Translation
End of Heat" is another commonly used English translation for "处暑". It signifies the end of the intense heat and the beginning of autumn.
3. "Limit of Heat" An Accurate Representation
Limit of Heat" is a literal translation of "处暑" and accurately reflects the concept of the solar term. It marks the limit or boundary of the summer heat.
4. "Harvest Moon" Symbolizing the Harvest Season
In addition to the transition to cooler weather, "处暑" also represents the busy harvest season for farmers. The English term "Harvest Moon" can be used to describe this aspect of the solar term.
5. "The 14th Solar Term" A Classification in the Traditional Chinese Calendar
处暑" is the 14th solar term among the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms. It carries the meaning of the end of summer and the arrival of autumn in most parts of China.
6. "The Transition to Autumn" Conveying the Seasonal Change
The Transition to Autumn" is a poetic and descriptive way to express the meaning behind "处暑" in English. It captures the essence of the solar term, representing the shift from summer to autumn.
In conclusion, "处暑" can be translated into English as "The Stopping of Heat," "End of Heat," "Limit of Heat," "Harvest Moon," "The 14th Solar Term," or "The Transition to Autumn." Each translation conveys the essence of this Chinese solar term, representing the end of summer and the arrival of autumn.